Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Descartes Meditation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Descartes Meditation - Essay Example Despite the fact that Descartes does recognize him to be a being that is imperfect, he has an ability to entertain God’s idea as a perfect existence. The fact that he is not able to form such an idea by himself, there has to be the idea’s greater course. This argument basis itself on a scholastic belief that there has to be as much reality within the cause same as within the effect (Rene, p.70). Therefore, any perfection ideas require their perfect causes. To respond to the argument, one can deny the principle as well as claim not to have God’s perfect Idea. Rather, an individual can claim to have an approximation only, of the perfect idea. Due to the fact that individuals’ idea of God would not be perfect then, it would not need a perfect course, as well as the conclusion, would not follow. It is in the fifth meditation that the second argument of God’s existence occurs. Despite the fact the there is different wording, it recalls the ontological argument of Anselm in the 11th century. Descartes’ consideration here is the perfect being idea as well as what is contained in such an idea. If the being happens to perfect truly, then it would not lack anything. Consequently, there is no chance that it would lack existence. Therefore, the essence of God does contain his existence (Rene, p.89). God’s existence argument following essentially from his essence has implications as well for the thought of the evil deceiver that is mentioned within the 1st meditation. If god happens to be perfect, there is no way he can be a deceiver. In addition, there is no way he can lead an individual into error. Deceit, as well as an induced error, would not be consistent with an imperfect being’s character. Due to the fact that he cannot lead an individual into error, the individual will be able to obtain knowledge on all the matters he doubted within the 1st meditation, particularly the truth on material objects. Descartes claimed that error does not  arise within the ideas of individuals, which are within individuals’ conscious states themselves, however, in judgments that individuals make, there exists something distinct from individuals’ conscious ideas, which cause such ideas to exist within the conscious minds of individuals.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Social Exclusion Deprivation

Social Exclusion Deprivation Social Exclusion Deprivation â€Å"In recent decades, crime prevention has taken on increasingly exclusive forms What is Social Exclusion? According to Vleminckx and Berghman (2001), â€Å"social exclusion† is a concoction (or blend) of multidimensional and mutually reinforcing processes of deprivation, associated with progressive dissociation from social milieu, resulting in the isolation of individuals and groups from the mainstream of opportunities society has to offer. Mayers, et.al., (2001) defined it as an inability to exercise the social rights of citizens to a basic standard of living and as barriers to participation in the major social and occupational opportunities of the society. Methodologists (Atkinson et. al. 2002) use the term as â€Å"shorthand for a range of concerns considered to be important in setting the European social agenda† and in ‘the fields that people have in mind when they talk about social rights.† In contrast to poverty, which is exclusively economic, material, or resource-based, social exclusion offers a more holistic understanding of deprivation (de Haan 1999). The risk of crime increases with social exclusion and low income: people living in poorer areas tend to be more at risk than people living in more affluent areas. (Bowling, 1998). Based on Eurostat 2000 the following are the indicators of Social Exclusion: Financial difficulties in the household; unaffordability of some basic needs; unaffordability of consumer durables; disadvantageous housing conditions; poor health: life expectancy; self-perceived health status; Infrequent contacts with friends and relatives and dissatisfaction with work or main activity. These indicators are the main cause of crimes in the society. This drive the European government as well as the Americans to create preventive method in order to decrease the statistics of crimes committed. Crime rate rises during the Cultural Revolution was followed by economic crisis and great individualism, which began in most advanced industrial countries before the early Seventies and then continued to rise, often at a greatly augmented rate, as the economic recession began to bite. In the Eighties and Nineties, the process of social exclusion is involved. The process includes the involving of the transformation and separation of the labour markets and the rise in structural unemployment, and the exclusion arising out from the attempts to control the crime that arises from changed circumstances and excluding nature of anti-social behaviour. The process of desegregation in the sphere of community and the sphere of work The erosion of the inclusive world of the modernist period, involved processes of desegregation both in the sphere of community (the rise of individualism) and the sphere of work (transformation of the labour markets). As an example, from a situation where exclusion creates crimes to one where attempts at inclusion are met by violence and aggression. The most prominent change during the post-War period, is the entry of women into the labour market and their participation in public life whether leisure, politics, the arts, is per haps the most profound structural change of the post-War period. Today crimes are committed as a result of exclusion. The case of violence against women is a key example, although racist violence is a close parallel. Violence in these two examples can occur, therefore, as a result of exclusion and inclusion, and it can be caused by relative deprivation and by clashes among individuals demanding equality and others resisting them. Of course, where both relative deprivation and individualism occur together as in the macho-culture of lower class, young unemployed males when confronting the demands for equality of women, often in poorly paid yet steady employment, one would expect a particularly high rate of conflict often resulting in the preference to setting up homes separately and the preponderance of single mothers. Because of the increasing number of crimes committed caused by the indicators mentioned above crime prevention has taken into exclusive form. The future of exclusion does not augur well. Firstly, the demand for unskilled and semi-skilled manual labour has contracted in all the countries of the First World. The globalization of capital has meant that the factories of South East Asia can compete much more cheaply than in Europe and North America. The poor are isolated in inner-city ghettos, in orbital estates, and in ghost towns where capital originally led them, then left them stranded as it winged its way elsewhere, where labour was cheaper and expectations lower. Crime Prevention Methods There are several inclusive and exclusive forms in preventing crime; it includes 1) Situational crime prevention; 2) Social crime prevention; 3) Situational crime prevention objective is to reduce crime by managing, designing and augmenting the physical environment by: a) reducing the opportunity to commit crime, simply by making it harder to offend; b) increasing the risk of detection if deterrence fails; and c) reducing the rewards of crime. The installation of surveillance cameras in public places, controlling access to buildings, car steering locks and gun controls are examples of situational measures that aim to reduce opportunities for the commission of crime. Security guards, baggage screening and surveillance cameras, are examples of situational measures aimed at increasing the risk of offenders being caught. Removing car stereos, cleaning up graffiti and property marking are examples of situational measures that may reduce the rewards of crime. It has been argued that crime displacement significantly diminishes the efficacy of situational crime prevention strategies for while crime rates may decrease in the area where situational projects have been undertaken, they might increase in other areas where these measures do not appear to exist. Social crime prevention By changing the social rather than the physical environment, social or community crime prevention prevents offending unlike the situational crime prevention. Interventions in this case provide tools for communities to use in an effort to minimize criminal behaviour by changing social conditions. The aim is to strengthen community bonds, increase levels of informal social control and thus stops actual or potential offenders. Social crime prevention measures could focus on making those who are in the way of offending feel more integrated into the community e.g. schemes such as youth drop in centres and activity groups Developmental crime prevention either involves the early identification of potential offenders or victims and intervenes in some way to keep them from realising that potential or, works with those who have already offended or been victimised to prevent further offending or victimisation from taking place. (www.aic.gov.au). For example, at the offender level, prevention could take the form of early childhood intervention for those deemed to be at risk of offending. Projects in this case might attempt to improve childrens health (physical and/or mental) and educational achievement. For those who have already offended, the prevention of future criminality could be sought through rehabilitation strategies aimed at reforming them through various treatment regimes. Victim-focussed prevention could also be centred on early intervention for those considered at risk of victimisation or take place after victimisation has occurred to prevent repeat victimisation. Thus, victim-focussed intervention might include educational campaigns warning young children about the dangers of getting into cars with strangers or self-defence courses for women. Secondly, the introduction of more and more sophisticated computer software will eliminate many lower middle class jobs as well as making many lower rung professional jobs increasingly precarious. Reference Atkinson, T.,et.al. (2002), Social Indicators: The EU and Social Inclusion, London: Oxford University Press. Bowling, B. (1998) Violent Racism: Victimisation, policing and social context. Oxford: Carendon Press) De Haanm A., (1999) Social Exclusion: Towards a Holistic Understanding of Deprivation Mayers, D. (2001), Introduction: In Social Exclusion and European Policy, p 1-26, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Preventing crime in Australia 1990 2002: a selected register of crime prevention projects http://www.aic.gov.au/research/cvp/register/def.html Vleminckx, Koen, and Joseph, Bergman, (2001), Social Exclusion and the Welfare State: An Overview of Conceptual Issues and Policy Implications. P27-46. Young, J. FROM INCLUSIVE TO EXCLUSIVE SOCIETY: NIGHTMARES IN THE EUROPEAN DREAM, http://www.malcolmread.co.uk/JockYoung/inclexcl.htm

Friday, October 25, 2019

Computer Simulations of Physics :: Physics, Computers, Applications, Technologies

Computer simulations are used very much in physics. Simple ones are used to do demonstrations of basic mechanics problems that would not normally be possible. Complex ones are used to simulate problems involving fluids, plasma, and turbulence. Some of these simulations are so complicated that entire installations are dedicated to them. There are many different applications of physics simulations. Almost all things in physics can be demonstrated. However, many of these things are much more fesable to simulate rather than to a physical demosntration. Many mechanics problems fall into this category. While bringing a pool table into the classroom is nearly impossible, running a computer program that simulates balls on a pool table is no problem. Also, with a computer program it is possible to simulate ideal situations, with frictionless surfaces, massless wires, and no air drag. Computer simulations also let us examine situations that are unlikely, but still demonstrate the basic laws of mechanics. Very often, computers are used to simulate complex systems in physics. Two systems that computers are very often used in studying are plasma and turbulence. Computer simulations are used extensivley, if not almost exclusively. Many plasma simulations such as those shown above are simulations of plasma in a Tokomak, a fusion reactor. They are simulated because large amounts of computer time are still cheaper than building a working reactor. Turbulence Computers are also used for numerical analysis of turbulent flows in fluids. Often, a point-by-point substiitution into the Navier-Stokes Equations (below) will be used. Most simulation of physics is done solely for research.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Audiences and Publics Are Important in Media Convergence Culture

SCHOOL OF MEDIA, CULTURE AND CREATIVE ARTS ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET To be attached to all assignments (ALL SECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED) STUDENT NAME:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦HAO JING WEI†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ STUDENT ID:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15646457†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ UNIT NAME AND NUMBER:†¦MCI212 Consumers, Audiences, Publics and Users DUE DATE:†¦Critical essay 15 October 2012 (by 4pm via email) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. WORD COUNT:†¦1800 – 2200 words †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. TUTORIAL DAY AND TIME:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦11am to 2pm, Wednesday, C25†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. TUTOR’S NAME:†¦Ms.Lai Jia Weng †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOUR TUTOR’S NAME IS ON ALL SUBMITTED ASSIGNMENTS DECLARATION: I declare that I have retained a copy of this assignment. I have read and understood Curtin University policies on Plagiarism and Copyright and declare that this assignment complies with these policies. I declare that this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted previously in any form for assessment. Signature:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Hao Jing Wei†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 15. 10. 2012†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Audiences and Publics Are Important in Media Convergence Culture IntroductionAfter we have studied about consuming culture through module 1, now all of us should know about consumption better. As we know audiences and publics are important parts in consuming culture – such as audiences purchase goods, shopping, living, traveling, education, services and so on, the world especially the consumption world is all about audiences and publics, at the same time they play a very important role in convergence culture as well. In today’s increasingly digital cultural, the way consumers consume and the way publics and audiences communicate are totally different from the traditional media times.Nowadays, people require both of physical and mental for life satisfaction such as purchase more healthy foods, watch digital TV, go to higher education, have internet services and so on. Convergence culture is the outcome of the rapid development of new information and communication technologies. According to â€Å"†¦Media convergence must also be seen as having a cultural logic of its own, blurring the lines between production and consumption, between making media and using media, between active or passive spectatorship†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Deuze, 2007, p. 74)From this quote we know that media convergence makes several changes between production and consumption, between making media and using media, between active or passive spectatorship of mediated culture. In this essay there are four main points to discuss how audiences and publics play roles in convergence culture. Discussions Firstly, the role audiences and publics play has been changed from passive to active. With the high technology development of media, new media has become more and more important than old media. Back to 20th century, old media such as TV was the main trend in the world and controlled audience.For instance, as we know all the TV programs will follow a fixed schedule, audiences only can watch whatever the TV programmes show, once you miss the show, then you will miss the show ever, unless the TV channels broadcast again. While nowadays, with the digital TV appeared, the audiences have become from passive to active. First of all, the digital TV can broadcast programmes at the same time, and based on â€Å"†¦Another huge advantage of digital television is that digital data takes up less bandwidth, meaning more channels can be broadcast at the same time.This gives viewers much more choice in what they watch and allows for follow up channels which broadcast the same programs as their namesake, just an hour later†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Davies, n. d. ) And â€Å"†¦Digital TV from Telenet: watch whatever you want, whenever you want†¦(Digital television, n. d. ). These mean the audiences can watch different shows at the same time, as well as they can switch programmes to whatever they want to watch. This kind of changes is a big different from analog TV. Next, digital TV allows audiences to pause or record live broadcasts at the click of a button.According to â€Å"†¦With Telenet Digital TV you can pause prog rams and rewind programs that you have viewed. You can record a program by simply pushing one button and your recording is immediately stored digitally on a hard disk†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Digital television, n. d. ), so you no longer have to miss your favourite TV programmes! And based on â€Å"†¦However, it’s a great leap to presume that the availability of digital networked technologies turns everyone into active participants. †(van Dijak, 2009, p. 44) From these quotes and examples we can see that audiences and publics are not passive any more.Secondly, audiences and publics have more participation and interactive with production company. For instance, Big Brother is a reality TV from United Kingdom and developed in the late 1990s. This TV programme offers audiences go to the onscreen world of the programme, use mobile phones and automatic number redial techniques to try and ensure their candidate in the house emerged the winner. These are two special points of Big B rother. According to â€Å"†¦Over the past 15 years, viewers have increasingly acted as participants in game shows, quizzes, talk shows and make-over programmes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (van Dijak, 2009, p. 3) And â€Å"†¦particularly the surge of reality television has boosted the of ‘ordinary people’ in broadcast productions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Teurlings, 2001) and â€Å"†¦In addition, the popularity of personal and communal media (home movies, home videos, community television) has profoundly affected television culture, particularly since the 1980s†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (van Dijak, 2009, p. 43) And based on â€Å"†¦Viewers were encouraged to visit the websites, and for a small subscription fee, could buy additional access to coverage of the more intimate activities, likes and dislikes, directly to the gained from syndicated†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ross, 2003, p. ), from these quotes we can see that the audiences have more interactive than before and the production company tr y to require unprecedented levels of interactivity with public as well. Thirdly, the perspectives of audiences and publics have more influences on programmes producing. Not only TV programmes but also all media programmes need audiences, need public. If a production company produces a programme without listening to the voice of audiences, it is just like flowers are far away from soil, fishes are far away from water. Without audiences, the progranmme is dead sooner or later.Based on â€Å"†¦Similarly, producers of popular television entertainment – such as soap operas or police dramas – are developing innovative ways to collect audience feedback, and then applying this information to the development of new characters and plotlines, as well as to include the most current social issues in their shows†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Deuze, 2007. p. 75) And according to â€Å"†¦A very important reason is to understand your audience. The more you know about the types of people i n your audience, their backgrounds, their interests, and their preferences, the better you can be at making programs to suit them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Know Your Audience, n. . ) With the development of media convergence, audiences’ interests have become more and more important. â€Å"†¦The intensity of emotional involvement exhibited by viewers of reality TV led programme executives to consider new ways to monitor, channel and exploit viewer interest†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ross, 2003, p. 3) From the quotes we can see that audiences’ perspectives play an important role in the development of programmes producing and audience curiosity is subject to commercial exploitation. Fourthly, audiences and publics play more than one roles in media convergence culture. †¢ Audiences as users †¦In the development of a professional identity among media workers, can be illustrated by a November 2005 survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project among teenagers in the United St ate, which report concludes:’ Some 57% of online teens create content for the internet. ’†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Deuze, 2007, p. 76) And based on â€Å" †¦During 2005, online social network sites like MySpace and Facebook became common destinations for young people in the United States†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Boyd, 2005, p. 119) From these quotes, we can see that with the rapid development of Internet technology, social networks appeared into people’s life, especially for the young generation.Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 1 billion monthly active users. â€Å"†¦Young people were logging in, creating elaborate profiles, publicly articulating their relationships with other participants, and writing extensive comments back and forth†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Boyd, 2005, p. 119) Users can create blogs, create or work on a webpage for school, an organizations, or a friend, share original content such as photos, opinions, stories, videos online, or art work and so on. Another example is Sina Weibo. Weibo† in Chinese stands for micro-blog, it has been launched recently in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and North America. Sina Weibo is China’s twitter, it is the hottest mircroblogging services in China now and it’s activity around Chinese Diaspora. â€Å"†¦In Weibo, the user can post pictures and embed videos directly into their feed. Much like in Facebook, the media is thumbnailed and will expand if clicked on instead of opening up a completely new page/tab as in Twitter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Jou, 2012) Based on â€Å"†¦According to Sina, Weibo has a registered total user base of 358 million, of which roughly 36. million active users daily†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Jou, 2012) And according to â€Å"†¦It consumes 90% market shares of China’s microblogging services, with more than 140 million users in less than 2 years, while Twitter gained 200 million users in less than 5 years. It’s new, itâ €™s hot, and it’s becoming bigger and stronger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Falcon, n. d. ) Bade on these data, we can know that social networks have become an important part of people’s life. â€Å"Social network sites are based around profiles, a form of individual (or, less frequently, group) home page, which offers a description of each member.In addition to text, images, and video created by the member, the social network site profile also contains comments from other member and a public list†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Boyd, 2005, p. 123) According to â€Å"†¦Identity refers to our own sense of self and how we are seen by our communities†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Social Design, n. d. ) And â€Å"†¦Social Design defines how we understand ourselves and each other and can be broken down into three core elements: Identity, Conversation and Community†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Social Design, n. d. ) Users can create their individual profiles based on their own identity, such s you can design how your homepage looks like, share what you are interested, show privacy information about yourself to public etc. †¢ Audiences as citizen journalists With the social networks appeared, audiences are not only a group of people who receive messages, news and information but also be senders to send information, publish news. Audiences as public also can share information and news in the first place, that is we called citizen journalism. â€Å"†¦Citizen journalism is when private individuals do essentially what professional reporters do – report information†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Rogers, n. . ) And â€Å"†¦The Internet gave average people the ability to transmit information globally†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Rogers, n. d. ). From these quotes we know that as the development of Internet technology, nowadays everyone could be a journalist to publish what happen around us and around the world. According to â€Å"†¦New media technology, such as social networking and media-sharing websit es, in addition to the increasing prevalence of cellular phones, have made citizen journalism more accessible to people worldwide†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Citizen Journalism, n. d. ).We know that citizens can often report breaking news more quickly than professional media reporters. Such as â€Å"†¦two predominant groups of youth published information, calls to action, documentation of policy brutality, and coordinated their planning and activities via Facebook and Twitter†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Anemic Portrayal of, 2012). Another example is â€Å"†¦was a topic on The Call, and the show’s blog post for the topic incorporates citizen-generated content into the posts. The post starts off with a brief intro by host John Schiumo, a nice fresh statement that goes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"The Call† interactive, 2012) The third example is â€Å"†¦At 10:25 p. . on May 1, 2011, Keith Urbahn, who happened to be the former chief of staff for Donald Rumsfeld but in this case was funct ioning as a citizen journalist, tweeted: â€Å"So I’m told by a reputable person†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (How citizen journalism, 2012) The last example is â€Å"†¦Online petitions undoubtedly, though, do represent a fabulous means of exercising one’s civic voice and leverage a response from public officials. In this example, New York City restored most of the proposed cuts to its public library budget due†¦ † (Petition power, 2012) As those examples tells us citizen journalism is more and more popular for media audiences.This is the outcome of development of Internet technology and development of mobile phone technology. Today, you can use your mobile phone to surf the internet while watch a TV programme, or watch a programme that was on TV last night on your smartphone while you are on the way to work and so on. There are too many changes in people’s life. Conclusions â€Å"All over the world, as audiences increasingly take control of their media and communications use, traditional business models are being forced to adapt quickly to the new realities of the digital era. † (Convergence Review, 2010. From the quote, we know that audiences and publics play important roles. Everyone has been in an audience, we have all been part of a group of people who come together to experience film, music, foods, traveling or other social activities. In media convergence, â€Å"All media events are audiences events since they require people to hang out in media time-spaces where they physically, mentally and emotionally engage with media materials, technologies and power structures. † (Ross, 2003. p. 6). Audiences are any group of people who receive a media text, it could be ny format such as Internet, TV news, radio programmes, newspapers and so on. Audiences are not only be audience any more, they also could be consumers and users at the same time in new media terms. They are not a group of people who receive messages and be pass ive any more, they are more active, participate and interactive with media convergence. Word count: 2106 References Anemic Portrayal of. (n. d). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://mobilekazar. word press. com/2012/02/10/anemic-portrayal-of-the-digital-road-to-egypts-revolution/ Boyd, D. (2005). Why Youth  ¦ Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life’, in Youth, Identity and Digital Media, Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 119-142. Citizen Journalism. (n. d). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://mashable. com/follo w/topics/citizen-journalism/ Convergence Review. (2010). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://www. dbcde. go v. au/digital_economy/convergence_review/convergence_review_background_paper. html Davies, M. (n. d). The Advantages of Digital TV. Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://ezinearticles. com/? The-Advantages-of-Digital-TV&id=1425944Deuze, M. (2007). ‘Creative industries, Convergence Culture and Media Work’ (Extrac t), in Media Work, Cambridge: Polity, pp. 74-83. Digital television. (n. d). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://telenet. be/business/ en/small/digital-television Falcon, A. (n. d). Twitter Vs. Weibo. Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://www. ho ngkiat. com/blog/things-twitter-can-learn-from-sina-weibo/ How citizen journalism. (2012). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://mobilekazar. wordpress. com/2012/05/04/how-citizen-journalism-drove-the-news-of-bin-ladens-death/Jou, E. (2012). Why Sina Weibo. Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://kotaku. com/5940025/why-sina-weibo-is-better-than-twitter-even-though-theyre-pretty-much-the-same Know Your Audience. (n. d). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://www. audiencedi alogue. net/kya1a. html Petition power. (2012). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://www. mobilekazar. wo rdpress. com/2012/06/29/petition-power/ Rogers, T. (n. d). What Is Citizen Journalism?. Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://journalism. about. com/od/citize njournalism/a/whatiscitizen. htm Ross, K. Nightingale, V. (2003). ‘ Audiences Today’, in Media and Audiences: New Perspective, Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 1-11. Social Design. (n. d). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://developers. facebook. co m/socialdesign/ Teurlings, J. (2001). ‘Producing the Ordinary: Institutions, Discourses and Practices in Love Game Shows’, Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 15(2): 249-63. â€Å"The Call† interactive. (2012). Retrieved October 12, 2012 from http://mobilekazar. w ordpress. com/2012/01/25/the-call-interactive-tv-news-gets-expanded-time-slot/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History Questions Essay

(1) European explorations were motivated by desire for wealth, power and prestige. Explorers hoped to find gold, silver and spices, new colonies to conquer and expand empires, opportunities to increase trade, and spread Christianity. Expeditions not only accomplished the missions but in the process they discovered new and faster routes as well as advancements in cartography and navigation instruments. (2) Puritans relied only on the Bible for their guidance in daily life.  Their strong faith in God is reflected in their customs, traditions and in all their actions. Their common faith held them together especially through the rough times. They were strict in their interpretation and observance of the teachings of the Scriptures. They believed that hard work will earn them the rewards in heaven. Drama, religious music and erotic poetry were prohibited, as they may lead to evil acts. Religious music took the attention away from the Word of God while Drama and Poetry portrayed lust and immorality.  They were allowed the Greek Classics and they were encouraged to compose their own poetry, drama and music which must have religious themes. (3) Quoting from Matthew 5:14 â€Å"a city that is set on the hill cannot be hidden,† John Winthrop in 1630 addressed the Puritan colonists in New England and told them that their community was â€Å"a city upon a hill watched by the world. † By that he meant that they must conduct themselves in ways that God may be glorified. They must bring honor to God and His worthy followers by their actions at all times. (5) The wars in the late 17th and early 18th centuries brought a realization among the colonists that they were made to fight wars for the mother country that colonists have little or nothing to gain from. They were made to fight wars that were not their own. As a result, the colonists conceived of declaring their independence from Britain and asserting their rights for self-governance. Britain lost in terms of excessive taxes that it levied on the colonies for their own coffers. The colonists lost in terms of protection from a great and skilled military power.  The greatest gain of the colonists was their independence. (6) John Adams was for the Republican type of government, with a bicameral legislature and the independence of the 3 branches: executive, legislative and judiciary. Thomas Paine was for a Representative system of government which took in the diverse and individual interests of the states and their people and which governs with independence from a superior or outside means, meaning a federal or hereditary government such as that from Britain. That era’s constitution followed Thomas Paine’s model. (7) The strengths of the Articles of Confederation were: it established an independent government where every state was represented through its Congress, its Congress had all the powers of government, and its system of government placed the power on the people through the states. The weaknesses were: there was no separation of powers, there was no check and balance of power as there was only one house in Congress, Congress did not have the major powers like taxation, diplomacy, regulation of commerce and expediency to amend constitutional provisions. The purpose of the Articles was met, which was for the thirteen colonies to unite, but the government it created lacked significant provisions for a judiciary and an executive to carry out functions which Congress can not by itself do. Something must be done with the economy which was not within Congress’ powers. George Washington believed that there must be a single power over the thirteen colonies to manage their collective affairs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Richard Iii Summary Essays

Richard Iii Summary Essays Richard Iii Summary Essay Richard Iii Summary Essay Essay Topic: Hard Times shakespeare: Richard III Shakespeare successfully portrays (his purpose in relation to the values and expectations of the Elizabethan context) through stage play techniques such as, use of soliloquy, dramatic irony, and humour. He also uses language techniques such as visual imagery and sound imagery throughout his play to explore the villainous role and character of Richard which leads to the development of the key themes in his play, Richard III. The first soliloquy informs the audience of Richard’s inner thoughts while also establishing his character, dark motives, and his intention in the play. The opening statement, â€Å"Now is the winter of our discontent†, refers to Richard’s unhappiness as a result of the war ending and the peace that replaces the feeling of villainy. This immediately informs the audience of Richard’s dark personality and the villainy within him. His villainy and evilness is reinforced in â€Å"Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings, Our dreadful marches to delightful measures†, emphasizing that he does not want peace or to share happy times, but instead thrives on chaos and violence. We also learn of Richard’s feelings towards his appearance in his first soliloquy, the adjectives used by Shakespeare describe Richard’s physical defects, â€Å"Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time†. This statement reveals his sense of self unattractiveness which is reinforced in â€Å"That dogs bark at me as I halt by them, showing that his appearance has the ability to even scare animals. His evil and manipulative behaviour is shown again when he plans to set his brothers Clarence and King Edward against each other. This informs the audience of his high level of self importance and that he will always put himself ahead of his family to receive the crown, this is also proven as he is planning to take the lives of Edwards heirs in sacrifice for the crown to himself.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Schindlers List- The Movie essays

Schindlers List- The Movie essays There are hundreds of movies that try to replicate important moments in history. Some are rather accurate, others but most are pretty far-fetched. I believe that Schindlers List is one of those movies that tried to stick to true history. The movie was all based a book that had interviews with some of Schindlers Jews. They took stories from these interviews and put it into the film, trying to make it look authentic as possible. Like the scene where the Jews are on Cattle Cars on a hot summer day and Oskar Schindler took a water hose to cool them down or the scene where the Jewish women accidently ended up in Bruennlitz. That all actually happened and they used the facts to film it. They even used the original places to film the proper scenes. I believe that it was to make the movie feel more real, Like you were actually looking back in the 1940's and you are actually there while all these historical events are taking place. I think that Schindlers List is a great movie with a lot of real, emotional, stories. However, I do wish they had shown more of Emilie, Schindlers wife, and her help during those trying times. She helped aid to the sick and kept the Jews well. She had also sold her jewelry and other baubles to help Oskar, pay for everything. I though that she deserve more notice then she sad gotten in the film. But all in all, I think as far as the factin this film are all in order. Schindler would have been proud. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The French Expression Voilà

The French Expression Voil Pronunciation: [vwa la] Register: normal Even though voil is just one word, it has so many possible meanings- most of which require multiple words in the English equivalents- that weve decided to treat it as an expression. The first thing to know about voil is that its spelled voil. Please note that the grave accent on the a is obligatory. (See common misspellings at the end of this article.) Secondly, voil, which is a contraction of vois l (literally, see there), has varied uses and meanings, which are hard to define precisely, so weve provided numerous examples to help make the distinctions clear. Here, There Voil can be a presentative which introduces a visible noun or group of nouns and can mean any of the following: here is, here are, there is, there are. Technically, voil only refers to things that are farther away (there is/are), while voici is used for close things (here is/are), but in reality voil tends to be used for all of the above, except when a distinction between two objects is required.   Ã‚  Voil la voiture que je veux acheter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Here / There is the car I want to buy.   Ã‚  Me voil !   Ã‚  Ã‚  Here I am!   Ã‚  Le voil !   Ã‚  Ã‚  Here it / he is! There it / he is!   Ã‚  Voici mon livre et voil le tien.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Heres my book and theres yours. This, That When followed by an interrogative adverb or indefinite relative pronoun, voil means this/that is:   Ã‚  Voil oà ¹ il habite maintenant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  This is where he lives now.   Ã‚  Voil pourquoi je suis parti.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Thats why I left / That is the reason (why) I left.   Ã‚  Voil ce que nous devons faire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  This is what we have to do.   Ã‚  Voil ce quils mont dit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Thats what they told me. Filler Voil is commonly used as a sort of summing up expression at the end of a statement. This is usually just a filler and doesnt have a simple English equivalent. In some cases, you could say you know, OK, or there you have it, but in general we just leave it out of the English translation.   Ã‚  Nous avons dà ©cidà © dacheter une nouvelle voiture et de donner lancienne notre fils, voil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  We decided to buy a new car and give the old one to our son.   Ã‚  On va commencer avec ma prà ©sentation, suivie dune visite du jardin et puis le dà ©jeuner, voil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Were going to start with my presentation, followed by a visit to the garden and then lunch. How Long Voil can be an informal replacement for depuis or il y a when talking about how long something has been going on or how long ago something happened.   Ã‚  Voil 20 minutes que je suis ici.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ive been here for 20 minutes.   Ã‚  Nous avons mangà © voil trois heures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  We ate three hours ago. That's Right Voil can be used to agree with what someone just said, along the lines of thats right or thats it exactly. (Synonym: en effet)   Ã‚  - Alors, si jai bien compris, vous voulez acheter sept cartes postales mais seulement quatre timbres.   Ã‚  Ã‚  - Voil.   Ã‚  - So if Ive understood correctly, you want to buy seven postcards but only four stamps.   Ã‚  Ã‚  - Thats right. Now You've Done It Et voil is commonly used, especially when talking to children, after youve warned them about something and they do it anyway, causing the very problem you tried to prevent. Not quite as mocking as I told you so, but along those lines: I warned you, you should have listened, etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Non, arrà ªte, cest trop lourd pour toi, tu vas le faire tomber... et voil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  No, stop, thats too heavy for you, youre going to drop it... and you did / I warned you. Spelling Notes Voil is sometimes used in English, and for this reason, its often written voila. This is acceptable in English, which tends to lose accents on words borrowed from other languages, but its not acceptable in French. There are several other common misspellings: Voil has the wrong accent. The only letter that ever has an acute accent in French is e, as in à ©tà © (summer).Viola is a word, though not a French one: a viola is a musical instrument slightly larger than a violin; the French translation is alto.Vwala is an Anglicized spelling of voil.Walla? Not even close. Please, use voil.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Functionalism vs. Dualism and the Identity Theory Essay

Functionalism vs. Dualism and the Identity Theory - Essay Example A functionalist theory also might characterize as pain that tends to be caused by bodily injury, to let us believe that there is something is wrong with our body and because of this we tend to have to anxiety, and, in the absence of any stronger, conflicting desires, to cause crying or moaning. According to this theory, all and only creatures with internal states that meet these conditions, or play these roles, are capable of being in pain. With this in mind there are three senses of functionalism: (a) decompositional functionalim, (b) computation-representation functionalism, and (c) metaphysical functionalism. Decompositional functionalim is a study that relies on a system of decomposition into its components; the whole system is then explained in terms of these functional parts. Computation-representation functionalism relies heavily on the 'computer-as-mind' analogy. Metaphysical functionalism "is a theory of mind that hypothesizes that mental states simply are functional states. The metaphysical functionalist claims that mental states are the types of mental state they are because of the causal relations between inputs, outputs and other mental (i.e. functional) states of the system" (http://artsci.wustl.edu/philos/MindDict/F.html). In general, the three senses of functionalism make the accusation that the physical realization of a given function is not, in some sense, its essence. Metaphysical functionalism identifies causal structures with mental states which are realizable by "a vast variety of physical systems" (Block 1980, p. 173). Metaphysical functionalism often identifies mental states with Turing machine "table states" (Block 1980, p. 172). Like metaphysical functionalism, computation-representation functionalism holds the information in the brain. Lastly, decompositional functionalism is, superficially at least, more interested in the function of a system than the physical makeup of the system. However, decompositional functionalism is very seldo m used. While it is true that in decompositional functionalism the function of the system being explored is often abstracted from its physical realization, it is also being continuously re-examined in order to better understand and characterize its function. As a theory of mind, functionalism is quite appealing. It is based in mathematical proof and provides a means of constructing analogies to guide our understanding of the mind. Computation-representation functionalism is a clear example of such a 'rigorous' analogy. In fact, because both digital computers and people are presumably Turing machine describable, the computer/brain analogy can be supported by direct reference to computational theory. This is how Turing machine equivalence has played such a central role in supporting functionalist intuitions (Fodor 1981). Dualism is "the view that reality consists of two disparate parts. In philosophy of mind, the belief that the mental and physical are deeply different in kind: thus the mental is at least not identical with the physical" (http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/philos/MindDict/dualism.html.) Identity Theory, unlike dualism and functionalism explains the interaction between the mind and body as the physical processes in the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ways of Praying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ways of Praying - Essay Example Prayers of corporate confession focus on the wrong that is committed jointly, rather than the sins of each person. Paul Bradshaw, in his book Two Ways of Praying, describes these prayers as cathedral prayer and monastic prayer. Cathedral prayer is mainly led by ordained, formally appointed ministers, while in monastic prayer each person in the community takes obligation to take turn at the reading, speaking or singing that is part of the prayer (Bradshaw, 1995). Cathedral prayer is the obligation of the whole congregation while monastic prayer is more of individual activity. In addition, cathedral prayer is mainly outward, involving occasional gatherings for prayer that is reinforced by praise and intercession. Monastic prayer is mainly inward-looking, that is communicated through a person’s mind and heart, and thus it assists in forming the person who prays. Moreover, cathedral prayer is supported by externals of worship actions and materials such as candles and vestments, wh ile monastic prayer does not necessary require material support, since it mainly involves silent meditation. Generally, prayer enable us to communicate with God by allowing us to be aware of the encounters with God we experience at various times of our lives. Prayers therefore help us to learn to arrive with fullness of our heart, mind, body, feelings, and experience into the living presence of God and to receive the revealed fullness of God’s own heart, word, body, love, and reality for us in ever-deepening mutual intimacy (Dahill, 2005, p.10). The next part of this paper will be based mainly on corporate prayers of confession in the church. One’s spiritual wellbeing is much related to the spiritual wellbeing of others, thus, goodness of the community is very essential for the goodness of individuals. God uses confession as a means for helping people to move past their sins to better and deeper self lived existence within the communal interdependence. Through corporat e prayers of confession, community is able to turn away from sin and begin the process of healing from the suffering. This type of confession enables community to receive God’s will towards wellbeing, as the sins are washed away because they normally block the community from receiving the goodness. Sins therefore lead to isolation and fragmentation of our society, as we concentrate on seeing the problems as originating outside ourselves, rather than concentrating on ways of resolving these problems as a community. Fragmentation in turn leads to powerlessness, as fragmentation makes us focus on perpetuating the problem rather than participating in forms of it resolution (Suchocki, 1996, p.80). The powerlessness makes people to refuse responsibility for problems that are caused by evils in our society; hence, they distance themselves from efforts to seek forgiveness and addressing the problems. The powerlessness makes people to be more individualistic, thus, the church does not confess its corporate sins. By church shunning confessions of its corporate sins, the God’s merciful power of social renewal is left uninitiated, as church member are more concerned about addressing their individual problems while hiding from the social aspects of all personal sins. Christians therefore become more involved in privately confessing their personal sins, while forgetting that personal confession only is not sufficient to attract God’s forgiveness for social sins of our society. As individuals, we participate in various corporate evils that warrant corporate confession. When the church

Managing Business Processes& Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Business Processes& Information - Essay Example In the recent phenomenon, it has been widely considered that customers are among the biggest assets of any form of business in the modern day business scenario. The performance of any business unit is therefore largely dependent on the approaches and perceptions of the customers towards the business and its products and/or services (Brandi, 2001). Subsequently, the concept of customer service comes into being. Aspects, such as gaining customer loyalty and their retention over a long time-period, comprise the approach of the companies towards managing the customers effectively. Theoretically, customer’s services are referred to the provisions or the approaches followed by contemporary business units in serving their customers with the sole intention to augment their brand value and correspondingly, increase brand loyalty for the products/services on offer under the brand. It is the process that companies follow while dealing with the customers before and after the purchase of t he product to ensure highest possible satisfaction to the buyers. This not only facilitates companies to attain maximisation of their profit level but also ensures the overall sustainable development of the company, assisting it to suffice the stakeholders’ interests to a substantial extent. As per the principle of customer services, organisations are also directed to be responsive towards the complaints of the customers and their expectations from the business and strategize their move accordingly in alignment with the market trends (Slack, & et. al., 2011; Svendsen, 1998). This will make sure that the customers are satisfied, rewarding maximum loyalty to the business units, which further determines due compliance of the statement by Dr. W Edwards Deming - â€Å"Keep the customers coming back; not the products.† In this context, the paper intends to conduct an elaborate discussion on the statement of Dr. W. Edwards Deming with focus on its central theme. Furthermore, the paper also emphasises replicating the various dimensions of the statement by illustrating the case scenario witnessed in Tesco, a global retail chain that is currently dealing with the problem of weak customer services. Accordingly, certain recommendations for improvement will also be provided to the same. Explaining the Central Focus of the Statement – â€Å"Keep the Customers Coming Back; Not the Products† by Dr. W Edwards Deming It is evident that customers are one of the most prominent stakeholders for any sort of business and they tend to have a direct and strong impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the business through responding to the company’s operation. Thus, it is important that in order to attract the attention of the customers, companies need to come up with various diverse ideas in order to preserve the interests of the customers as intact towards the business for a longer period of time. Contextually, it can be

Operations management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Operations management - Case Study Example Large production minimizes production cost. CCI has new ways of achieving objectives in Scunthorpe through the application of the Continuous Improvement (CI). CI entails the laid down resources and processes aimed at improving business efficiency.CI incorporates everybody ranging from managerial level to the employees down the structure. Reduction of waste is one of the avenues employed to improve efficiency. The main areas of waste reduction have been identified by the channels already in place. Besides there is a CI culture that is embedded in the CI strategies. The next strategy is the process mapping facilitated by the CI coaches. Maps are made to allow employees to view the requirements of production so as to understand expectation. Everybody at CCI has a target set that has to be met. The final strategy is the use of key performance indicators to not only evaluate production quantitatively but also to determine if the customers’ expectations are met and they are satisfied. Despite the cost involved in the CI process, the benefits are reduction of wastes, improved product quality, minimized rework time, and regaining of custom ers among others. The main points of the article are the overview of the company; the product offered by the company; the stages of producing the product; reasons for production in large scale; and the laid down strategies in place to increase production as well as customer satisfaction. As illuminated from the article, Corus group is company that deals with the production of steal worldwide. It produces steel at large scale since large scale production minimizes costs involved. However, while reading between the line using high definition quality spectacles, the article does not clearly bring out how the strategies through the Continuous Improvement (CI) platform has helped to ensure that customers satisfaction as prioritized. Prioritizing customers’ needs is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Public Health Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Health Reform - Research Paper Example The primary objective of the healthcare reforms is to render excellence and affordable medical attention to all the citizens of the U.S. (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). The public health reforms have been put underway. The government has come up with strategies and approaches to warrant that all citizens profit from the medical access. Previously, it was optional for anyone to buy healthcare insurance policy. But since the passage of the healthcare reform bill into law, all members of the public are required to purchase medical insurance policy. This process is referred to as the individual mandate. The government has placed a deadline by which all citizens should have purchased an insurance policy (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). The Affordable Care Act is a portion of the healthcare reform law that was put in place aimed at reducing the cost of healthcare. The act aims at expanding medical coverage to all citizens of the U.S at the lowest costs possible. The act has clauses that hold insurance of its clients. The act also avails citizens with options on whether to choose private health insurance or the public health insurance. Quality of healthcare at the lowest costs is also a major factor that was included in the act. This act advocates for healthcare equality throughout the United States. The act consists of two separate pieces of legislation. These include the Healthcare and Affordable Care Act and Education Reconciliation Act and the Patient Protection. The Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act aims at educating the public on the best ways of staying a healthy life. The Act has initiated policies and programs that will ensure that citizens will be educated and informed on how to counter some disorders such as diabetes and cancer. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aims at protecting the needs and rights of all patients, regardless of their social status (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). It has policies that aim at healthcare

Do you think the drone strikes should end Why or why not Essay

Do you think the drone strikes should end Why or why not - Essay Example Drone strikes attacks in Pakistan and other bases should be stopped because innocent lives are being taken, the local population of both the U.S. and Pakistan are against these attacks, as they do not agree that this is the way eliminate terrorists. Also, relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan are weakening and such attacks increase the number of terrorists instead of decreasing it. The purpose of the drone strikes attack is to eliminate terrorists but not kill the innocent civilians, if the drone strikes attack would has the chance to hurt those local civilians, we should stop using the drone strikes and find another way to eliminate the terrorists. It has been reported by Dawn.com that the death of 1 terrorist caused by drone attacks conducted by US results in the death of 140 innocent civilians of Pakistan (Dawn.com, 2012). The report even stated that during 2009, a total of 44 drone strikes attacks were launched on Pakistan and these caused the death of 700 innocent civilians of Pakistan and only killed 5 members of the Taliban (Dawn.com, 2012). This has made the accuracy of drone strikes questionable because during 2009, drone strikes attacks were only able to achieve success of 11% (Dawn.com, 2012). For example, the insight for drone strikes attacks is gained by information collected that is not always accurate. U.S. drone strikes attacks may end up killing several innocent people just on the basis of false information or not accurately identify terrorist targets. Because the drone strikes doesn’t operate by human when it’s implementing the action, once it collected the wrong information even navigate to the residential district, the drone strikes would still make the action because it can’t analysis the data but only implement the order. The aim of the war on terrorist is to reduce and eliminate terrorist groups and individuals but using the drone strikes may kill the innocent people. Replacing the drone strikes with foot soldier s is a completely failed idea. Foot soldiers can not be replaced as foot soldiers are aware of the exact locations of the terrorists and they have the ability to make timely decisions to avoid any civilian casualties. Another reason is the drone strikes attacks conducted on Pakistan and Yemen are increasing the number of terrorists and terrorist organization. Baker institute blog’s research states that according to Fawaz Gerges who is a well-know analyst of terrorist movements, the drone strikes attacks conducted on Yemen are increasing the number of terrorists as these people want to take revenge for these drone strikes attacks (Baker Institute, 2012). In the same blog, it’s also stated that Christopher Swift believes that people of Yemen are accepting groups such as Taliban in response to the U.S drone attacks (Baker Institute, 2012).).These researches clearly state that the U.S drone strikes attack is leading to creation of more terrorists within the nations of Afgh anistan, Yemen and Pakistan. For example, once the drone strike takes place on the basis wrong information, it may end up killing a group of innocent people who have nothing to do with the war. These people do not have any connection with the terrorists. After innocent lives are taken due to drone strike attacks conducted by the U.S., those who are related to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Public Health Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Health Reform - Research Paper Example The primary objective of the healthcare reforms is to render excellence and affordable medical attention to all the citizens of the U.S. (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). The public health reforms have been put underway. The government has come up with strategies and approaches to warrant that all citizens profit from the medical access. Previously, it was optional for anyone to buy healthcare insurance policy. But since the passage of the healthcare reform bill into law, all members of the public are required to purchase medical insurance policy. This process is referred to as the individual mandate. The government has placed a deadline by which all citizens should have purchased an insurance policy (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). The Affordable Care Act is a portion of the healthcare reform law that was put in place aimed at reducing the cost of healthcare. The act aims at expanding medical coverage to all citizens of the U.S at the lowest costs possible. The act has clauses that hold insurance of its clients. The act also avails citizens with options on whether to choose private health insurance or the public health insurance. Quality of healthcare at the lowest costs is also a major factor that was included in the act. This act advocates for healthcare equality throughout the United States. The act consists of two separate pieces of legislation. These include the Healthcare and Affordable Care Act and Education Reconciliation Act and the Patient Protection. The Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act aims at educating the public on the best ways of staying a healthy life. The Act has initiated policies and programs that will ensure that citizens will be educated and informed on how to counter some disorders such as diabetes and cancer. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aims at protecting the needs and rights of all patients, regardless of their social status (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). It has policies that aim at healthcare

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Women in Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Women in Psychology - Essay Example Karen Horney maintained additional views of children and the onset of anxiety, granting her respect in the psychological community. This project describes the background of Karen Horney and highlights her many contributions to psychology. Karen Horney (1885-1952) grew up in Hamburg, Germany to more affluent, upper-middle-class parents with a Protestant background. Horney’s father was a deeply religious man and a ship captain while her mother was a more liberal thinker who promoted Horney to succeed in medical school (Smith, 2007). This was during a period in the early 20th Century when women had not yet achieved the right to vote, making Horney’s arrival in medical school in 1906 a monumental event, especially with her focus on studying Freud’s viewpoints on psychoanalysis (Eckardt, 2005). In the 1920’s, Horney began to challenge Freud’s viewpoint on masculinity and femininity, especially in areas of sexual development and sexual instinct. She began to criticize Freud’s perspective in which he believed that women felt inferior to men because they did not have a penis (Eckardt). Horney felt that this was a very one-sided perspective, riddled with masculine narcissism, which consistently created bias against women during psychoanalysis. Over time, Horney redeveloped Freud’s view on feminine sexuality and created a new template by which women are assessed: One in which the absence of a penis no longer became the perceived foundation of women’s troubles. In a sense, based on the women’s suffrage movements occurring during this time period, Horney managed to liberate women when being analyzed for psychological study as more than merely the product of masculine envy. Sigmund Freud laid the foundation for many of the views of the time regarding anxiety and the development of positive personality traits. Over the years, Karen Horney redeveloped the view of anxiety by suggesting that anxiety is not

Monday, October 14, 2019

Development of Beauty Salon Services

Development of Beauty Salon Services What is a beauty salon? A beauty salon is an establishment providing men and women with services to improve their beauty, such as hairdressing, manicuring, facial treatment and massage. They are also known as beauty parlor and beauty shop. You might assume that beauty salon is barber salon are the same, but thats not true. Barber salon mostly deals with hairdressing and cutting, while a beauty salon deals with body and face treatments. The concept of beauty salons started back in the days of ancient civilization, where people mostly of upper class loved to set up fashion trends for thousands of years. Although through the ages, hairstyles, cuts and trends have changed a thousand times but some things like women wearing wigs, coloring hair are not new, and are still practiced. Back then, beauty salons were the places where wigs were being made and ordered. Rich and noble people had their beauty salons in their palaces. Ever since then, the concept of beauty salon is constantly evolving and people have become accustomed to having hair styled to them throughout the years. Though, today beauty salon does not only offer different hair styling, but a number of other services such as perms, massage, waxing, tanning, facial treatments, pedicure, manicure and many more. ANALYZE HOW INNOVATION HAS CHANGED A SERVICE WITHIN THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY: Beauty industry is now a multinational and million dollar business. The services within the beauty industry have widely changed, as now beauty salons are not places where simply you have your hair cut and get your nails done, but also emphasize to refine and polish the inner beauty through physical and spiritual therapy. It is not just the beauty salons and beauty shops that come under the heading of beauty industry but sales of cosmetics, perfumes and products for hair and skin care synthesize it. While beauty shops and salons are mere the service sector of this industry. In addition, some economists include cosmetic surgery and health club in this market. Beauty matters most, to most of the people in this world and so from ages the beauty industry is providing and innovating its services in order to satisfy the needs of its customers. According to the business analyst, the best selling beauty products are that clean and beautify hair. But today beauticians believed that beauty and health are interlinked, and so that is how the idea of spas and health care centers came under this heading. Queen Elizabeth was the main female icon and set the trends in the 16th century. Beauty was limited to the appearance only, where a little of face powder, glowing cheeks and red glossy lips had done it all. People used to bleach their hair using either saffron or onion skins. It used to take immense of hard work and contrary styling techniques to make a person look beautiful and presentable to attend some event. But with the ace of time and development of technology, beauty industry has also been able to advance itself by inventing artistry equipments and researching in the biological and chemical sciences which offer more sophisticated, high-performance skin care products, all in the quest for beauty. Women used to risk their life with many of their homemade cosmetics. They used burnt matches to darken their eyes, berries to stain their lips, and even used young boys urine to get rid of their freckles. They even used lead, mercury and even leeches to give them pale appearance. Thankfully, beauty industry has come a long way from using toxic and hazardous mixtures, and has advanced scientifically for providing a vast range to enhance our looks. Previously, people had limited hair dressing and hair treatment techniques, but more and more are developed in the market. These do not only require temporary techniques but also a permanent makeover of a person. From wigs and temporary hair styling; permanent waving, perms, tinting and coloring gave women a wide range of choices to satisfy their demands. Beauty salons promoted its facilities and equipments. Hair irons were introduced which helped to change the arrangement of the hair with the help of the heat, it is an easy an effective way of styling your hair and does not require the traditional wash, set and dry procedure. Hair lotions and chemicals were also used to straighten hair, but hair iron proved to be an easier and sound method, causing less damage and dryness. Apart from that, hair extensions and hair transplants revived the idea of hair loss problem. The discovery of hair transplantation blew away the fear of getting bald from many people; men and women equally. This technology later promoted to laser hair transplants which is a high-tech way of restoring hair fall. The desire to be beautiful intensifies with time and so the passion of expanding the industry familiarized us with the words such as tummy tuck, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, breast lift, and breast reduction. These surgeries became common to the rich and famous people who wished to change their beauty. At first cosmetic surgery was rare, and was developed in response to the birth disfigurement and deformities caused by wars but now cosmetic surgery is a huge part of beauty industry, and is available with wide variety of procedures. However, for many years, people have always associated bronze tan look with health and beauty. In ancient times people used lead paints and chalk to whiten their skin, which proved to be disastrous and had long term effects. The craze of tan continued and so tanning crà ¨mes, and dyes came in the market. By the seventies, eighties and nineties, the industry was able to build and maintain a proper tan. Tanning beds and booths have shortened tanning session times, and sunless have provided quick and easy alternative to ultraviolet lights. Everyone is now aware of the word spa. Well spa actually means a mineral spring or a locality where springs exist, and that is the core aim and concept of the beauty spas present around the world. It redefines the definition of beauty in the present world. In the past years, the idea that inner beauty lies within has gained its attention and so people are more attracted in seeking the cure for tiredness and disease to attain impeccable beauty. It blends with the ancient traditions of natural healing through herbal baths, massage, meditation, respect for nature and the desire to achieve physical and mental well being, the key to maintaining health and beauty. INCLUDE IN YOUR DISCUSSION THE FACTORS, INCLUDING DEMAND WHICH HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SERVICE: Beauty industry has become a billion dollar global industry, encompassing skin and hair care, cosmetic surgery, health clubs and diet pills. Americans are found to spend more on beauty than on education every year. In the modern world, the perception of beauty has changed to many people. It is observed that a womans attractiveness ranks her to be the on the top in a mans list. It wouldnt be wrong if we say that this is the era of the survival of the prettiest. Beauty therapy is in fact perceived as a necessity. People are judged on the basis of their attractiveness and are expected to be better in different fields of their lives. Restore and renew is the policy of beauty industry, where it not only helps to restore and renew the appearance of a person, but builds up equidistant confidence and ravishing personality. Beauty industry has been a rapid development, as it is accounted for improving the living standards of the people. In this fast-paced lifestyle, people have realized the need of spending their money and time on themselves, and to improve their appearance. People like to look and feel their best. Beauty salon, spas and beauty industries have become an antidote of all the frustrations, tensions and controversies. The spa industry is the fourth largest leisure industry in the United States as there are about 3.32 million active spa-goers in the U.S. Anti-aging services are also being in demand. The population of the world is growing, and so people wish to live a longer life, with a healthier and younger look. .Some of the devices that are invented to solve the problem of aging is microdermabrasion machines. This is used by many beauty salons to get rid of facial line and wrinkles. The percentage of anti-aging consumers is increasing, thereby anti-aging products and services rises. Although people now prefer to look younger for a certain period of time, rather than a permanent anti-aging treatment; as they find them to be a safer choice. Difficult reconstructive procedures happen to be more risky and dangerous. Statistics show that in 1900, about 25% of the United States population lived past the age of 60year who availed the service of anti-aging. People also suffered various skin diseases and the problem of obesity. While due to the amplifying demand of anti-aging, anti-aging industry has become a multibillion dollar industry. On the other hand, the development of tanning industry has become imperative. The first tanning bed was introduced by a German company, Heraeus; to help patients with the deficiency of vitamin D. Later, these tanning beds were modified to help athletes with the possible effects and potential benefits of sunlight. His subjects were having a tan as a side-effect, resulted the idea of tan which was a million dollar achievement to the beauty industry. Tanning beds continued to evolve in order to maximize its advantages and minimize its harmful effects. Automated timers, safety goggles and other safety precautions have helped the tanning industry to avail the facility of tanning beds. There are several other ways to get a quick and safer tan. Bronzer is basically a lotion, cream or powder which gives a temporary tan look and easily washes away with the help of water. Tanning accelerators, tanning salons and tanning lamps gives a comparatively better and appeasing tan. The craze of tan look among the youth compelled the tanning industry to innovate safer and productive alternatives. Airbrush spray tanning systems and solutions seemed more promising. Airbrush spray tanning is regarded as healthier and safer alternative to UV tanning as it doesnt damage the skin as the long term exposure to UV rays does. The beauty industry is expanding extensively, generating 5 billion dollars in the year 2007. Worldwide it is considered as most influential industry as it does not only captures a certain number of people, but aggregates the whole economy of the world. The awareness of fashion and the need of following it have lead to the advancement of beauty industry. Media plays a vital role in broadening the minds of people and persuading them to concentrate on themselves as well. Previously, media was the ultimate source of information and entertainment, but now the extend of its utilization have annexed. Having time for oneself for relaxation and enhancement of personality have been prioritized as a basic and essential need of every person. The desire of spiritual and physical therapy does not limit to rich and elite class of a nation, as it was labeled in the ancient ages; but now accessible and affordable to every common person. Film industry, fashion industry and beauty industry go hand in hand. Technology has benefitted the world with many choices. The  film industry  consists of the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking: i.e.  film production companies,  film studios,  cinematography,  film production,  screenwriting,  pre-production,  post production,  film festivals,  distribution; and  actors,  film directors  and other  film personnel. Every one of us wishes to live the lives of celebrities and not only do we talk like them but most of us also dress like them, walk like them, perhaps maybe even eat like them but we have also begun to behave like them. Fake-tan is the fastest growing area of cosmetics, which is largely promoted by celebrities; while others have followed them. Internationally known and popular celebrities such as Peter Andre, Donatella Versace, Jordan and Bechkam; are celebrities who are idealized and admired by millions of their fans. And so, people tend to follow their steps without even considering the side effects of fake tan. Youth have become obsessed with fake tan. Teens say the trend was spawned by their favorite celebs: Britney Spears, J-Lo, Jennifer Aniston, Aguilera and model Gisele Bundchen, all as brown as roasted coffee beans. They have this assumption that all pretty and popular people are tan, and so in order to clinch their dreams, they go fan a tan. A national survey of 10,000 teenagers last year found 89 percent of girls and 78 percent of boys actively pursue a tan. Among 17-year-old girls, 35 percent reported using tanning beds in the past year. SUGGEST HOW THE SERVICE MAY CONTINUE TO IMPROVE IN THE FUTURE: Today in the ace of global recession, the question arises whether this industry is still relevant? Or whether brands are as necessary as they used to be? Well the beauty industry is extremely dynamic and diverse. The market is entering a bizarre period of prosperity, market competition is extremely fierce and cosmetics industry knows how to promote to its next level. Pure cosmetics products have a great room for development as most of the women now understand the side effects of dangerous and life threatening procedures. Over the past ten years, tanning industry is providing its guests with the most advanced technology. Continuously updating and presenting fake-tan equipment and products, this industry have maintained the same level of enthusiasm among its fans. Future guidelines will ensure cleanliness in the industry, labor standards and quality controls. These regulations will ensure that indoor tanners receive only the best in indoor tanning services, as well as the proper education to allow them to make informed decisions on indoor tanning. Peacock tanning systems audits the future of tanning industry as it provides a superior alternative to traditional indoor tanning beds. They are perfect for commercial use and ideal for the home, exhibiting better results in less time and space. Peacock tanning systems cooperates with the medical companies and guarantees high level of safety and healthy tans. They are in fact the future of tanning industry, pushing the technology envelope in the development of the industrys foremost ultraviolet lighting systems, constantly striving to harness the power of the sun more powerfully, more safely, and more efficiently. Some analysts also assume that tanning spas are the future of tanning industry. It features the Mystic tanning sunless system for people who suffer from UV intolerance or sensitive skin. With the help of new Magne tan technology, your body can get a perfect tan in couple of seconds which lasts for days. Aloe Vera helps to deepen DHA into the skin which not only softens and smoothens the skin but also helps to remove wrinkles. Even celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, and Christina Aguilera have been spotted using the Mystic for that fabulous mystic glow! Despite of the harmful effects of fake tan, tanning industry is heating up and is anticipated to have more developments in the future. Rick Maffezzoli, owner of The Tan Co. on York Road in Towson said: The industry now is sort of where gyms and health clubs were about 10 years ago, In many ways, the industry is still in the mom-and-pop stage. According to Washington-based tanning association, there are about 30 million people who avails indoor tanning facilities each year and the industry as a whole creates 5 billion dollars annually. The indoor tanning association, founded in 1999; has been controlling and managing the tanning industry for years. It represents thousands of distributers, faculty owners, manufacturers and members to support this industry. It has protected the industry from any kind of criticism, and has played a major role in protecting and appreciating the inventions to contribute to this industry. The professional indoor tanning industry employs more than 140,000 people while promoting a responsible message about moderate tanning and sunburn prevention. Whether it is the crisis of skin diseases, skin cancer, aging problem, and other long term harms; indoor tanning association has been authoritative to take a stand and come up with its best outcome. And so, if the association continues to support and advance the tanning industry with its utter dedication and commitment, then the industry will accomplish to improve its services and deliver paramount products to its customers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

I am Intrigued with Psychological Research and College Instruction :: Graduate Admissions Essays

I am Intrigued with Psychological Research and College Instruction. Â   Having enjoyed psychology-related activities in both the academic and community settings, it is with enthusiasm that I pursue a career in clinical psychology. An important part of this pursuit is attending graduate school. In order to obtain the necessary knowledge and to define my areas of interest, I wish to enroll in a doctoral program in clinical psychology. Â   Throughout my undergraduate work I have engaged in a variety of activities to help prepare my for graduate study. One such activity is my involvement in research. This past summer I participated in a research project with a UNI professor, Dr. Augustine Osman. Our research involved the examination of the psychometric properties of the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS) in a community sample. I performed basic data entry and ran SPSS-X programs for manova, correlation, and reliability. For two to three hours a day, over an eight week period, my research experience involved discussions on issues of psychometrics as well as learning how to transcribe and run several programs used in factor analysis. Through this experience I have also become familiar with the process of research revision and publication. In fact, I will be listed as a co-author upon publication of this work. Â   Currently, I am involved in an independent research project investigating sex-role stereotyping in college classrooms. My advisor, Dr. Jane Wong, has been supervising by progress. After completing background reading on this issue, I have decided to investigate the relationship between students' sex-typed characteristics. I have developed six scenarios in which I manipulated the sex-typed characteristics of the instructor. Students will be asked to complete the Bem Sex Role Inventory and the Traditional Egalitarian Sex Role Scale (TESR) prior to reading a scenario. After reading the scenarios they will be asked to rate the instructor using a rating form developed by Leventhal, Perry, and Abrami (1977). I hope to present my findings at a regional psychology conference and, if possible, submit the work for consideration for publication. Â   Aside from conducting research, I also have had the opportunity to experience the teaching aspects of psychology while serving as a teaching assistant for a Research Methods course and an Introduction to Psychology course. As a TA for Research Methods my responsibilities included supervising five students' research work. Specifically, I assisted the students in the library while they worked on a bibliography, summary and synthesis, and proposal project.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Parked Cars Can Be Death Traps for Kids :: Safety Death Children Essays

Parked Cars Can Be Death Traps for Kids Imagine sitting in a hospital waiting room anticipating the results of the tests being run on your only child. You were lucky though; at least he is alive. You had no idea that he was in your car. You can not imagine how traumatic it could have been for him to be trapped in his own car. Finally the doctors come to tell you the news. He has brain damage, and he will never fully recover. He may never walk again and he will never live the life of a normal child. These events occurred because you did not make the effort to assure your child was not unattended in your vehicle. â€Å"At least 19 children died during the summer of 1999 because they were trapped in hot cars, according to data being released by a children’s safety group† ( O’Donnel 1). Some parents run in the post office, pay for gas, buy a pack of cigarettes, or even go shopping while their children sit in a hot vehicle. â€Å"A National Safe Kids Campaign survey shows that 10% of parents believe that children can be unattended in a car. That number increases to 20% for parents 18 to 24 years old. And 50% of parents report that they don’t lock their vehicles† ( O’Donnel 5). Children should not be left unattended in a car for any reason. A child left unattended in a car could die. The extreme temperatures cause the child to overheat, which leads to death. The child could have severe brain damage. The heat could not be so extreme it causes death, but brain damage can be just as traumatic. The child could climb into the car if left unlocked. Many parents are not aware that their children are in their vehicles. The results of leaving a child unattended in a car can be fetal. Many parents don’t understand the severity of leaving a child alone in a vehicle. Assuring that your child is never unattended in a vehicle is very important during hot weather when temperatures inside a parked car can soar to deadly levels in minutes. â€Å"John McDonnel put a thermometer, which was set at about 98 – degrees, and let it sit in a car in the hot sun for several hours.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Bridge to San Luis Rey

The Bridge of San Luis Ray is an American author Thornton Wilder's second novel first published in 1927. It tells the story of several interrelated people who die in the collapse of an Inca rope-fiber suspension bridge in Peru. A frior named Brother Juniper witnessed the tragic accident. He has taken on a mission to find out why the five people had to die with the collapse of the bridge. Juniper decided to research the lives of the five victims and figure out the reason of their deaths, why God chose the lives of these five people. He wanted theology to take the place among exact science. Before now, he had lacked a laboratory. He had studied other specimens, People who had died if spider bites or their houses burning down. But these accidents hadn't been fit for examination, because they lacked proper control. The accidents had been dependant upon human error or they had the elements of probability. The bridge collapse was an Act of God, so it made a perfect laboratory. Juniper could figure out God;s intentions is a pure state. Juniper know the answer to his experiment but wanted to prove it historically and mathematically to his coverts. He thought his stubborn converts were slow to believe that God insertd pains into their lives for their own good. Juniper had tried to experiment before to â€Å"justify the ways of God and man,† for example he kept a record of Prayers for Rain and their results. Juniper worked on the bridge experiment for six years. He asked the people in Lima thousands of questions. His goal was â€Å"establishing the fact that each of the five lives was a perfect whole. Juniper finished a huge book but it was publicly burned in the great square. A secret copy of thr book remained. It is in the Library of University of San Marco. Juniper's book contains thousands of facts about the victims and why God had chosen each victim. Juniper never new the central passion of Dona Maria's life; not Uncle Pio's life; not even Estaban's. † And I, who claim to know so much more, am not i t possible that even I have missed the very spring within the spring? †

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay

Since ancient times, promoters of justice have brought into play rhetorical strategies to persuade their opponents. On April 16, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter regarding the criticism several clergymen made, stating that the movements of nonviolent resistance to racism from Dr. King were â€Å"unwise and untimely†. In this letter King uses several rhetorical strategies but mainly he makes use of 3. In the first one, King uses an outside authority (Religion), given the fact that he is trying to persuade Christians. Second, Dr.  King appeals to emotion (Ethos), he tries to appeal to their human and goodness side. Third, King employs analogies to emphasize his argument against racism. With these three rhetorical strategies he tries to persuade the clergymen to take action on the injustice that is upon Birmingham against the Negroes. As stated previously, outside authority was used by Dr. King to appeal the clergymen of the racism taking action. Religion has the power to move such an enormous amount of people and this has been proven since the dawn of time. He know that this man obey the laws of God, knowing this he mentions he came to Birmingham for a good reason by saying Just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town. (King, 819) With this quote he is making a religious analogy to make the clergymen understand that he is there for a good cause, a cause that is as good as Apostle Paul’s. Later on the letter, King compared his actions with Jesus Christ’s when he was called an extremist. But though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was not Jesus an extremist for love? (826) This is also a religious analogy, and here he wants to deliver the message of peace by comparing his actions with the ones Jesus did. He wants to make the clergymen understand that the one they follow would have done the same. Subsequently, Dr. King employs the rhetorical strategy called Ethos, which means emotion. He uses this tactics to make the clergymen see that the ones they’re segregating are not less than any other human being; he tries to appeal to their good side. King says â€Å"Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation say waitâ€Å"(821) And he then proceeds to quote his son who says â€Å"Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean? To make a point; make him see what an innocent mind thinks and how it affects him. He then proceeds to say When you take a cross country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you; when you are humiliated day in day out by nagging signs reading â€Å"white† and â€Å"colored†; when your first name becomes â€Å"nigger† and your middle name becomes â€Å"boy† and your last name becomes â€Å"John†, and your wife and mother are never given the respected title â€Å"Mrs. Then you’ll understand why we find difficult to longer willing to wait. (King, 821-822) These are one of the most powerful words this letter has to offer, he emphasizes what a negroe has to suffer day by day. King mentions this to make the clergymen see what it feels like to be segregated, to make them see how unjust it is. Throughout the entire essay Dr. King uses analogies to make his argument sound stronger and emphasize it. Not only does he uses religious analogies he uses historical analogies and geographical. He compares the USA with Africa and Asia â€Å"The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward gaining †¦ independence, but we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. † (King, 821) he makes this analogy so they understand that other continents are already far beyond them, that this should have been dealt long ago. Later on he defends himself of the accusations of breaking the law for a good cause. He says â€Å"We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal. With this analogy he tries to let them know laws are not always correct and thus they have to be changes, and therefore the prohibition of segregation. In conclusion, King uses several rhetorical strategies to convince the clergymen that his actions are not â€Å"unwise and untimely† but the opposite. He gives them reasons to listen to him and convince them. The most important rhetorical strategies where religious appeal, emotion appeal and analogies. With this mix of rhetorical strategies he makes this letter one of the most important piece for the civil right movement.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

On Dumpster Diving Essay

In the essay on Dumpster Diving we read about Lars Eighner Who is a scavenger in the sense that he searches dumpsters for leftover items that can be of aid to him to enable him to eat or to have clothing to wear. In this essay we see numerous rhetorical approaches to grab the reader’s attention in as he conveys a story and a lifestyle that sheds light to an unknown profession. We immediately read about how knowledgeable and passionate the author is about this subject as he comes out almost challenging the Marriam-Webster dictionary on if the word Dumpster should be capitalized or not.When I read Mr.  Eighner, someone who scavenged for food on a daily basis, and yet at the same time was able to challenge the most reputable dictionary I was confident in my choice for my paper His expertise was un-paralleled in that he could dictate exactly how to correctly and safely dumpster dive, and yet at the same time make you feel as if you were not reading an essay from someone who woul d have these types of personal experiences. In his writing he writes long enough on how to correctly evaluate the food found in dumpsters I felt as though if I were to be put on the streets tomorrow I would know what to do.He says that there are three principles to eating out of a Dumpster. He dictates that the first one is to use the senses and common sense to assess the condition of the found materials the second is to know the Dumpsters of a given area and lastly to answer the question of â€Å"why was it discarded? † (par. 7). Here I see his intelligence quite vast as he is able to make up three tentative rules on Dumpster diving from personal experience. Later on we see him discuss how to tell if canned food was good to eat. Most people assume that if it is still in a can it is good to eat, but this is not the case.We writes that canned foods should have some sort of a vacuum and that they should not be bulging, punctured, dented or rusty (par. 10). This display of knowl edge and intelligence is unrivaled and further proves his expertise. Later on he continues to talk about food safety in which he says that dried food is usually the safest, if there is no visible contamination on it (par. 12). His intelligence is once again shown when in the next paragraph he discusses what can be pared away in a vegetable and at what point it becomes too rotten to eat. He articulates that leafy vegetables are usually contaminated by liquids and hard to wash.In these sentences about food safety we are shown a clear and well-articulated rudimentary â€Å"textbook† on how to evaluate foods that may be available to eat and whether or not it is safe to eat. But Lars Eighner does not stop here. After moving on from food safety we see his expertise in his cunning ability to locate good and credible dumpsters, such as one behind a pizza parlor. We then read into why so many pizzas go to waste and are given enough factual evidence that we nearly forget we are reading this essay from someone who hasn’t even worked in the particular restaurant, yet knew very much about it (par.  18).In the next paragraph I read something that would not register to the average reader, or one who might have not studied the text. He said that he had never placed a bogus order to the pizza parlor to receive a free pizza (par. 13). After reading over this a couple of times it leaned me two different thoughts, one was that he was an honest person and the other that he trusted in his expertise and intelligence so much that he did not have to do something like that to get his next meal.This put a lot of confidence in me that if I was thrown out on the streets with only this piece of writing I would be able to make him like Mr. Eighner. This essay or homemade textbook did not stop at food safety though. We are then informed about the different times of the year when people are more wasteful and likely to throw perfectly good food out. Lars Eighner shares that rig ht after college breaks students are more likely to just throw everything out of the fridge in an attempt to become more clean and organized, which lends him some very good resources. (par.  20)He continues on saying that when the parents or dads come to visit their kids they tend to throw everything out, including spirits, porn and drugs. Students are many times more likely to be wasteful as they have a parent or adult pays for nearly every expense, so why would they care? With every paragraph in this essay we are further convinced of Mr. Eighners intellectual superiority when it comes to eating out of a dumpster. He knows where to find the best dumpsters, what times are most successful to scavenge and finally what safety precautions should be taken before eating.


INCLUSION AND MEETING SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS - Essay Example The main intention of social inclusion is to eradicate favoritism and support social unity meant to boost peaceful coexistence within a community. One main area of social inclusion is to develop a framework that focuses on improving educational attainment among all children within the community regardless of their individual difference and families (Frederick and Cline, 2009, p.34). Yee and Dumbrill (2003, p. 23) noted that, by teachers removing barriers to educational engagement and educational achievement, children would be able to take part in educational activities, and succeed in all aspects of education within the school community. Social inclusion within the school setting in closely linked to school leadership style that develops a justice system within the school context (Keith and Maloney, 2005, p.98). School social inclusion can be seen as an attempt to integrate all aspect of the schools through various social groups established by the school administration. It may be described as how different individuals within the school context are recognized and treated with respect irrespective their backgrounds (Power and Wilson, 2000, p.66). Social inclusion in education is a course of action that aims at removing barriers to acquiring educational needs, and develops their aptitudes. These aptitudes could be theoretic, realistic, social in nature, and cultural (Power and Wilson, 2000, p.66). Social inclusion in education presents a well-planned education system that caters for different individuals in different backgrounds. These expanded requirements should be prepared and directed locally (Power and Wilson, 2000, p.66). A study conducted by Power and Wilson (2000, p. 89) indicated that implementing the concept of social inclusion within a school can be channeling in two aspects. These are economic aspect and the cultural aspect. Looking